Monday, September 29, 2008

Iron Man

In this week's blog entry, I'd like to talk a bit about another movie that I saw: Iron Man. Since this movie was just released (in Japan September 27) there has been a lot of discussion of it on the Internet. This is another movie that I happened to watch as part of Cathay Pacific's in-flight entertainment. But unfortunately I was unable to see the ending as the plane landed:(

The main actor in the movie is Rober Downey Jr who plays the part of Tony Stark and Iron Man. His character is based on the American billionaire engineer and playboy Howard Hughes. Originally Iron Man was a comic and was first produced in the early 1960s. The movie, however, has been completely updated and is set in Afghanistan and includes terrorists. The movie is action-packed and includes some interesting special effects; sometimes involving humour. It is also interesting to adults because of its politics.